Global Nitrous oxide budget (GNB)

The LOAC is a key component of the GNB. Our team has synthesized estimates of N2O emissions from inland waters (IW: streams, rivers, lakes, reservoirs), estuaries and coastal vegetated ecosystems (ECV), and the continental shelves (CS) using a consistent spatial framework. In the context of the upcoming GNB (Tian et al., 2024) our assessment has been gridded, and where relevant, decomposed into a natural and anthropogenic component flux. The contribution of the shelves as a hotspot of natural N2O emissions is an important finding of the upcoming budget.

Publications: Tian, et al. 2020; Tian et al., 2024

Leads: P. Raymond, P. Regnier

H. W. Bange, S. Berthet, D. Bianchi, M. Hu, R. Lauerwald, T. Maavara, M. Manizza, P. Raymond, L. Resplandy, J. A. Rosentreter, H. Tian, Y. Yao and P. Regnier

Regional budget

Present-day water-air N2O emissions in inland waters (IW: streams, rivers, lakes, reservoirs etc…), estuaries and coastal vegetated ecosystems (ECV), and continental shelves (CS) have been quantified and regionalized in the context of RECCAP2, using a fully consistent framework allowing their integration into both land and ocean budgets. Climatological means are provided for ECV and CS while trends are also resolved for IWs.

Publications: Lauerwald et al. 2023a, Lauerwald et al. 2023b; Rosentreter et al., 2023; Resplandy et al., 2024

Leads: R. Lauerwald, L. Resplandy, J. Rosentreter, P. Regnier

IW team – R. Lauerwald , G. H. Allen, B. R. Deemer , S. Liu, T. Maavara, P. Raymond, L. Alcott, D. Bastviken, A. Hastie , M. A. Holgerson, M. S. Johnson, B. Lehner, P. Lin, A. Marzadri, L. Ran, H. Tian, X. Yang, Y. Yao, and P. Regnier
ECV team – J. A. Rosentreter, G. G. Laruelle, H. W. Bange, T. S. Bianchi, J. J. M. Busecke, W-J Cai, B. D. Eyre, I. Forbrich, E.Y. Kwon, T. Maavara, N. Moosdorf, R. G. Najjar, V. Sarma, B. Van Dam and P. Regnier
CS team – L. Resplandy, A. Hogikyan, J. D. Müller, R. G. Najjar, H. W. Bange, D. Bianchi, T. Weber, W.-J. Cai, S. C. Doney, K. Fennel, M. Gehlen, J. Hauck, F. Lacroix, P. Landschützer, C. Le Quéré, A. Roobaert, J. Schwinger, S. Berthet, L. Bopp, T. T. T. Chau, M. Dai, N. Gruber, T. Ilyina, A. Kock, M. Manizza, Z. Lachkar, G. G. Laruelle, E. Liao, I. D. Lima, C. Nissen, C. Rödenbeck, R. Séférian, K. Toyama, H. Tsujino, and P. Regnier