Global Carbon Budget

The CO2 budget focuses exclusively on anthropogenic fluxes. Taken that anthropogenic perturbations on CO2 air-water exchanges along the LOAC are only beginning to be constrained by global models, these fluxes are currently not included in the GCB and this omission is identified as a shortcoming in the global budget syntheses (see also Canadell et al., chap. 5 AR6 of the IPCC).

Publications: LeQuéré et al., 2013; LeQuéré et al 2014

Leads: P. Ciais, H. Tian, L. Resplandy, F. Lacroix, P. Regnier

Regional budget

Present-day air-water CO2 exchanges in inland waters (IW: streams, rivers, lakes, reservoirs etc…), estuaries and coastal vegetated ecosystems (ECV), and continental shelves (CS) have been quantified and regionalized in the context of RECCAP2, using a fully consistent framework allowing their integration into both land and ocean budgets. Climatological means are provided for IW CO2 emissions and ECV net CO2 uptake while for the CS, the seasonality and trends in CO2 uptake are also resolved.

Publications: Lauerwald et al. 2023a, Lauerwald et al. 2023b; Rosentreter et al., 2023; Resplandy et al., 2024

Leads: R.Lauerwald, L. Resplandy, J. Rosentreter , P. Regnier

IW team – R. Lauerwald , G. H. Allen, B. R. Deemer , S. Liu, T. Maavara, P. Raymond, L. Alcott, D. Bastviken, A. Hastie , M. A. Holgerson, M. S. Johnson, B. Lehner, P. Lin, A. Marzadri, L. Ran, H. Tian, X. Yang, Y. Yao, and P. Regnier
ECV team – J. A. Rosentreter, G. G. Laruelle, H. W. Bange, T. S. Bianchi, J. J. M. Busecke, W-J Cai, B. D. Eyre, I. Forbrich, E.Y. Kwon, T. Maavara, N. Moosdorf, R. G. Najjar, V. Sarma, B. Van Dam and P. Regnier
CS team – L. Resplandy, A. Hogikyan, J. D. Müller, R. G. Najjar, H. W. Bange, D. Bianchi, T. Weber, W.-J. Cai, S. C. Doney, K. Fennel, M. Gehlen, J. Hauck, F. Lacroix, P. Landschützer, C. Le Quéré, A. Roobaert, J. Schwinger, S. Berthet, L. Bopp, T. T. T. Chau, M. Dai, N. Gruber, T. Ilyina, A. Kock, M. Manizza, Z. Lachkar, G. G. Laruelle, E. Liao, I. D. Lima, C. Nissen, C. Rödenbeck, R. Séférian, K. Toyama, H. Tsujino, and P. Regnier

Lateral carbon fluxes

In the context of RECCAP2, the GCP-LOAC team has provided the first model ensemble assessment of lateral C fluxes from river to ocean and their speciation (particulate, dissolved inorganic and organic carbon). The resulting product is a climatology of C exports at 0.5°, globally

Publications: Regnier et al., 2022; Liu et al., in review

Leads: M. Liu, P. Raymond, R. Lauerwald, P. Regnier

Data streams:
M. Liu, P. A. Raymond, R. Lauerwald, Q. Zhang, G. Trapp-Müller, K. L. Davis, N. Moosdorf, C. Xiao, J. J. Middelburg, A. F. Bouwman , A. H.W. Beusen, C. Peng , F. Lacroix , H. Tian, J. Wang , M. Li , Q. Zhu , S. Cohen , W. J. van Hoek , Ya Li, Yangmingkai Li, Y. Yao, P. Regnier